What makes us different?

Here at Everyone’s Arcade, we believe that reviews should do more than tell you how good a game is and how pretty it looks. We believe it’s important to delve into how a game might respect the time of the every day gamer. Maybe you’re a parent with little time to play, perhaps you work a job that allows for hardly any time to game, or you find that games often struggle to hold your attention for too long and the narrative can be forgettable. Our reviews will be written with this in mind and we will certify each game as per the below certification process.

This is our highest certification. This means that the game should be friendly for everyone to play. This will usually mean that the game has an easy-to-follow narrative, or the game itself has great tools, either within its own story-telling or a menu option which will recap the story. Games “Certified For Everyone” are easy to pick up in short segments, generally allow you to save frequently and you never need to fear putting this game down immediately, should you be too tired or need to go and deal with something in your house. Games with this certification can be anything from one hour, to two-hundred hours long, the length of the game is unlikely to have an impact itself.

This is our middle-ground. Games here may be on the edge of a certification for “Everyone”, but fall short on a couple of hurdles. Or maybe they are quite “Hardcore”, but have a few saving graces to drag them up our scale. Games here are probably friendly for most people, but for whatever reason may not fit into the lifestyles of those looking for that “Everyone” certification we strive to judge by. Games here will suit those who finish school or work and find themselves with time to do whatever they please, and do not feel like they have to ration their time too harshly for gaming.

This is our “lowest” rating. Games here are the absolute opposite of “Certified for Everyone”. It doesn’t mean they are bad. It means you may need to leave your partner, quit your job and play this game full-time. Mainly this category will consist of games with hard to follow narratives, or games that you put down for a little while and feel like you have no idea where you are, how to play and what is going on with the story. It’s still possible for a game to be a 10/10, but be “Certified Hardcore” because it simply does not fit into an every day lifestyle for those who struggle to find time to game.

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