Xbox Game Pass has been growing over the years. It’s a subscription service that allows the subscriber to access over four-hundred titles for a fee ranging from £6.99 up to £12.99, so of course it’s going to be popular.

X-Cloud is one of the key features that has, until recently, been a bit of a dark horse. It allows you to stream the majority of the titles on the subscription service to a compatible device, saving you the time and effort of downloading a large title, but also meaning you don’t actually require powerful hardware. The only downside is that you do need a good enough internet with high speeds, and in some parts of the world its just not feasible right now.

For those of us in those parts of the world that do have high speeds and good networks, we can now enjoy Game Pass on a selection of Amazon’s Fire Sticks. If you own a Fire Stick 4K Max or a Fire Stick 4K, both released in 2023, you’ll soon be able to download the official Xbox App. Of course, you will need a bluetooth enabled Xbox Controller to be able to fully enjoy these features, but it beats purchasing a console if your internet can support this. And you can take it anywhere with you.

It’s simple enough to configure. All you have to do is download the official Xbox App to one of the above-mentioned Amazon Fire Stick devices, connect your Bluetooth controller and log in to your Microsoft account. All the details can be found here. Are you excited? Will you be downloading this?

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