Nintendo Direct Announced!

It’s finally that time, a new Nintendo Direct has been announced. Gone are the days where Nintendo Directs were a lot more routine. Now us fans have to wait for the glorious news about a Direct to drop on our laps at any given time.

This Direct in particular has felt a long-time coming. With the only notable title left in Nintendo’s line-up this year being Pikmin 4, which is set to release on 21st July, it was almost inevitable a Nintendo Direct must be around the corner.

Nintendo have officially announced that the Nintendo Direct will air on 21/06/2023 at 15:00 BST. Due to the timing of the event, this particular Nintendo Direct could be a huge one. With E3 no longer on the map and no First-Party titles currently revealed past Pikmin 4, this might just be one of the biggest Directs for a long time.

Nintendo has yet to provide any further update on Metroid Prime 4, and the Nintendo Switch itself has yet to see any entries from the F-Zero or Star Fox franchise. It’s also been 6 years since the magic of Super Mario Odyssey graced our screens. Could a new Mario title be revealed? Could we finally see the Nintendo Switch 2 revealed?

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